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/ "A Complete Guide to Black Magic & The Occult" \
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/ Part III "Getting Questions Answered" \
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/ By: Abdul Alhazred \
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Call: The Carrion AE (for which this file was written)
602-841-8408 1200 Baud Only
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"And as it harms none, do what you will!"
I would like to start off by asking that you don't get the 'Occult' mixed up
with a 'Cult'. The Occult is the study of the unknown, while a Cult is a group
of religious radicals.
This file (Part III in my series) will be dealing with some major occult
tools. Two of which are the Ouija board (Wee-Gee Board, and the pendulum. I
have included instructions on how to make and use both of these tools, as well
as mentioned others that might be better for you. Remember that no two people
are the same, and what gives you results might not work for some people, and
vise versa. Now, on with the file.
A ouija board is a series of letters and numbers. The diviner [Person(s)
consulting the board] uses a pointer to ask the 'Spirit World' questions in
which they answer. I believe that this does NOT link with the spirit world,
but with your own power or subconscious. This goes hand in hand with the
belief's of witches (those people practicing witchcraft [Wicca] which is
actually pagan or druidic in nature). Never ask the boad when a certain person
will die or be injured, as it ususlly gives a recent date, and carries through.
I do not (nor do my companions/teacher) understand why this happens, it just
does sometimes. Well, here is how to make one.
Get 36 3x5 cards (paper strips may be substituted). On each card, place
either a letter of the alphabet, or a number (0-9). When done, you should have
the alphabet, and the numbers 0-9. Arrange these on a surface (later) in a
clockwise circle starting with 'A' and ending with '9'. Now you need a pointer.
We'll use a shot glass, although almost anything that will slide may be used.
Make sure that the surface you have chosen is one that will let your pointer
glide freely to letters. After you have used this board and feel comfortable
with it (instructions on use later), you may add two cards.... 'Yes' & 'No'.
These may be placed anywhere that feels comfortable. Now you have a ouija
board. Although you may purchase one, I find that making your own gets better
results. (Yes, I own one, and no, I don't use it.... I made one.)
To use your board, spread your cards (or if you bought one, put the board
down). Place the pointer in the neutral position (in the middle of the board
or circle) and sit down.
So far, I am the only writer in Bomb Shelter
right now, but if you want to join, or know
someone who might be interested, just leave
me a note.
I can be found most easily on these boards:
| The Flamile the pointer builds
energy. The pointer will slowly begin to move, speeding up as you go along,
and spell out the correct answer. Take care in what you ask it!
A Pendulum is a balanced weight on the end of a string. It is used to
answer questions and guide the user.... it tends to be VERY, VERY, accurate.
The Pendulum is derived from the diving rod. The ancient druids used one to
plot the location of Stonehenge. In the rest of this file, I will be going over
how to make one, use one, and look at some of the great uses that can be posed.
For your first one, you will need: 1.) A Long piece of fishing line.
2.) A Sewing Needle
3.) A Piece of cork or a spool.
Take and thread the needle. Push the needle through the cork or spool. There
you go! You will probably want to make a better one later on. Use your
imagination, but do not make it out of a metal. Some metals tend to disrupt the
vibration and will give you incorrect answers. BTW: The Length of the line
should be the measurement from your wrist to your elbow.
The Pendulum works off of your own vibrations. The use of a Pendulum is
called 'Radiesthesia'. There are many theories to the actual operation of the
pendulum. The one I accept is that you body is like an antenna. Everything in
existance has it's own frequency (this is very true), and what we attempt to do
when using the Pendulum, is lock into that frequency. But I wouldn't worry
right now about how it works.... it's like Edison said about electricity,
"We have this wonder called electricity. It works, and it is good. I don't
really care how it works, nor should you."
The first thing you need to do is tune yourself with your pendulum.
Hold the pendulum freely over the middle. Will (in your mind...) the pendulum
to swing un and down. Do not be surprised when it does, and don't use your
fingers to move it. Hold it be the end of the thread. Now ask the Pendulum a
question that you know the answer is yes to. As the Pendulum starts swinging
and of the ways, say out loud, "This means YES!". Now, do the same with a no
question. If the pendulum swings clockwise or counter-clockwise, just use
that instead of the other method. Generally, in the future, clockwise and
counter-clockwise will mean respectivley Harmonious, and inharmonious. Now that
you have trued your pendulum, you will never have to do it again with that
pendulum unless you loan it out. All you need to do is ask it yes/no questions.
Healing-> You may use the pendulum to diagnose ailments, and direct your
energies toward healing that person (or ailment).
Love-> Ask if you are compatable with a particular person.
Crucial information-> You can ask about business deals, or find a persons age
(think of an age, and add or subtract by one until it swings to yes), find
out what your needs are..... just about anything!
A good book on the subject is..... Pendulum Power
ing Toilet 312-234-6795 |
| The Hotel California 312-234-6237 |
| Genesis Project IIe 312-395-1816 |
| Static Barrier 312-225-9836 |
I can also be found on a lot of other ones
| Abdul Alhazred |
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